Novation Bass Station II

Novation Bass Station II




Novation Bass Station II je analogni mono-synth baziran na klasičnom originalu Bass Station. Sadržava dva filtera, dva oscilatora plus treći sub-oscilator, patch pohranu i potpuno analognu efekt sekciju. Dodajte step sequencer, arpeggiator, tipke pune veličine i moćnu modulacijsku sekciju, a kao rezultat ćete dobiti karakteristike syntha koji je izgrađen za bas, a sposoban za mnogo više.

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Web cijena:

449,00 €

MPC: 449,00 €

Cijena za kartice: 472,63 €
već od 39,39 € na 12 rata*
već od 78,77 € na 6 rata*

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099 233 4726

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Visa Premium jednokratno
2 - 6 rata bez kamata

Diners jednokratno

2 - 12 rata bez kamata

MasterCard jednokratno
2 - 6 rata bez kamata (ZABA)

Visa jednokratno
2 - 6 rata bez kamata (ZABA)

Maestro jednokratno
2 - 12 rata samo u poslovnici

Gotovina / Virman

*Izražene cijene su podložne promjenama.

Fiksni tečaj konverzije iznosi 7,53450 kuna za 1 euro

Bass Station II is an analogue mono-synth with a talent for bass, but a sound-engine that is versatile enough to kick out sharp leads and crisp arpeggios. It brings the best elements of the original Bass Station into a brand new design with re-worked modulation, effects, filters and more; like the Bass Station, but a much much bigger sound. 
The signal path is pure analogue - including the effects section. The hardware has been laid out in modules with dedicated pots, switches, sliders and buttons for all major parameters. Critically, you can store and recall patches on Bass Station II. It comes with 64 killer factory presets, space for 64 of your own sounds on the hardware, and you can store more on your computer.

The key-mech consists of 25 full sized keys that are velocity sensitive with assignable aftertouch. It has been developed as a ‘synth-action’ keyboard, where each key is individually sprung so it is light to the touch and highly responsive to the synth engine. Bass Station II is a fully class compliant MIDI device with MIDI I/O on 5 pin din ports – for connecting to other MIDI outboard – and with your computer over USB. You can even connect an external instrument and run it through Bass Station II's analogue filter and effects.

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