Electro-Harmonix Bass Big Muff Pi

Electro-Harmonix Bass Big Muff Pi




Electro-Harmonix Bass Big Muff Pi je bas verzija legendarne Big Muff Pi pedale. Svi bas gitaristi koju su ljubitelji Big Muff zvuka sada mogu uživati u Bass Big Muff Pi pedali!

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Web cijena:

96,00 €

MPC: 96,00 €

Cijena za kartice: 101,05 €
već od 8,42 € na 12 rata*
već od 16,84 € na 6 rata*

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099 233 4726

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2 - 6 rata bez kamata

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2 - 6 rata bez kamata (ZABA)

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2 - 12 rata samo u poslovnici

Gotovina / Virman

*Izražene cijene su podložne promjenama.

Fiksni tečaj konverzije iznosi 7,53450 kuna za 1 euro

The Prodigy reborn with underworld instincts comes to life wielding the drive of the original classic Big Muff Pi and the earthy support of a bass tailored design with no loss of low end. This is the pedal that bass players who loved the Big Muff sound have been waiting for.

  • True bypass 
  • Tailor your drive/distortion sound with sustain, tone and volume knobs 
  • A dry switch that mixes your dry bass with the Bass Big Muff Pi's distortion 
  • A bass boost EQ switch that reintroduces your low frequencies when tone is set for high frequencies 
  • Based on the Russian Big Muff 
  • Tough and compact die-cast chassis 
  • 9-volt battery included 
  • Optional 96DC-200BI power supply available
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